The process starts with
- an initial consultation to see if there is a ‘good fit’
– involves your technology transfer office, a drug discovery expert and the Collaboration Lead (CL) - if the idea is aligned with LAB eN² areas of interest and the goals
– CL will work with the Principal Investigator (PI) on a short 2-page pre-proposal
– pre-proposal will be reviewed by the steering committee - if the pre-proposal is selected, a team will be assembled to develop a full-proposal
including a detailed workplan and budget which will be reviewed for the funding committee

During the full-proposal development process we work closely with the PI to design a Discovery Award proposal that is a collaborative work and funding plan that takes advantages of the capabilities and strengths of the academic institution, Evotec, and Novo Nordisk.
We aim to recognize the expertise of the individual partners to ensure the most efficient achievement of the goals and transition to the next phase. Awarded proposals will be assigned a dedicated project leader with the relevant drug discovery expertise in order to guide each program rapidly forward to start turning your brilliant idea into a life changing therapy for patients.